Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 019 / 365 - My Subie Got A Rub Down


World, meet my sexy Subie.  We first met in mid-September and the very same day, I took her home.  Ever since I've had her, I've taken her snowboarding, to the mountains, Colorado Springs, and all over Denver.  However, it wasn't until today that I finally gave her the love and attention that she deserves and gave her her very FIRST bath, ever.

After I soaped my car up and washed it down, the dirt that collected over the months was STILL there.  It would look like it was gone when it was wet, but when it dried, it still looked dirty.  I was scared all the grime wouldn't come off :(  BUUUT I just wet my car again and wiped her down with my shammy thing & that fixed everything up soo good.  My Subie is now sparkling clean once again.  I also washed her close to sunset, so no watermarks for me!  I was waiting all day for the girls upstairs to move their cars so that I could pull mine up into the driveaway, but that didn't happen till way later in the afternoon.  I guess it worked out for the best.  Now I just have to clean & vacuum her insides.  I'll save that for tomorrow.

Anywho, Marc P. just called me and he'll be in town next week!  Aww.  He wants to meet up in Denver and have some Korean BBQ for dinner.  Yum!  Hopefully Peter can take the half day off on Friday.  Ashley K. will also be in town so it'll be a nice get together :)

1 comment:

Katrina said...

hindi naman masyado. hehe...