Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 015 / 365 -The Duchess & Sixlets


I just finished watching "The Duchess."  I won the DVD from Access Hollywood last month and didn't watch it until now.  I must say, I enjoyed it!  I always find it amazing how women back then were able to live in their husbands shadows and 'do as they say.'  I don't think I could do it!  Haha.

Anyway, today was spent doing the rest of the laundry and folding clothes.  I also ate a bunch of Sixlets.  I LOVE sixlets, but they're not very easy to find for some reason!  I finally found them last week at walmart for $1.00 a bag.  Yay.  I made a deal with Peter and now he has to buy me MORE!  Hehe.  For now, I'm just trying to eat a quick dinner before Peter gets off of work.  He asked me if I wanted to go out for some drinks & I haven't eaten ALL day.  My stomach hates me, so I'm trying to get my fill before going out.


jalene said...


Maria said...

great minds think alike ;)

i'm running low on supply though :[