Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 014 / 365 -Two Become One


"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24)

Like pieces of a puzzle, the two will become one.  I've always wanted to attempt this shot.  The thought unfortunately crossed my mind once the sun passed over mountain tops... leaving me in the dark.  Hence, my lighting was all wrong and I would've liked the heart-shape to be more defined, but I will have more days to try again :]  Once I get the perfect shot, I would like to turn it into a print.  I've never really printed out my photography.  I don't know why, but I think I'll start doing so.

I also told Peter that I'd like to take photography classes in the future.  I have the eye & the photoshop skills to get by, but I think I will be 100x better if I actually learn how to apply the right settings & techniques for a better quality photo.  I suppose I lack disciple and never paid attention to all the technical aspects.  Heh.  I think that's what frustrates some friends ;)

Today was spent finishing up a website.  All I need is the final approval and it will be ready to go.  I actually didn't spend time on sweepstakes today, so I have nothing to report just yet.  I will get to that now.


Leytonrhys said...

is the bible open to that verse? i cant really tell...

Maria said...

Nah, it wouldn't be balanced if it were open to the beginning of the book (Genesis). I think it's opened up to the book of Daniel, somewhere sort of middle. I wanted it to open to the "Love is patient, love is kind" verses, but it didn't look good w/ the way my bible is.

Leytonrhys said...

oh okay. i was wondering if it was, and how u got it to be opened up so evenly...

Maria said...

Yeah, I needed it to be pretty even so the 'heart shape' would form correctly.